Japanese Cutlery Pro Store | Tamahagane, Kitchen knife, Sword, etc
Japanese Cutlery Pro Store | Tamahagane, Kitchen knife, Sword, etc
Showing 145–168 of 349 results
Swordsmith・Shigetoshi Sato Tamahagane Katayamajiri hunting knife (large)
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Swordsmith・Yoshindo Yoshiwara Kiridashi
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Swordsmith・Shigeyoshi Iwasakai Tamahagane kamisori Nicyougake(Large)
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Shigefusa Iizuka Tanji Yanagiba 300mm・Single Bevel
$1,340.00sold outRead more -
Shigefusa Iizuka Tanji Yanagiba 270mm・Single Bevel
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Munemasa Nushiya Kogatana 240mm・Single Bevel (1960s)
$254.60sold outRead more -
Small Knife 「Ooshirakawa-Shotou」180㎜・with Karin handle Yoshihiko Akitomo
$234.50sold outRead more -
Vintage Wicker Rolls「Kiridashi Knife」18㎜(Blade width)Single Bevel The 1970’s
$22.78sold outRead more -
R.W.Loveless Drop Hunter 3 peace #701(1973s)
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L.W.Loveless Fighter #170-403
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T・M・Dowell Integral Hunter 5 1/4 inch Snake Wood Handle (1982s)
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D・F・Kressler Fighting Damascus 6 1/4 inch (1984s)
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F・Carter Bowie (Black wood) 8 3/4 inch(1984s)
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Honyaki Very rare Vintage Honyaki Fuguhiki 270㎜ Blacksmith in Sakai, 1970’s[NEW]
$569.50sold outRead more -
Shigefusa Iizuka Kasumi Yanagiba 330㎜
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Honyaki Vintage Wabocho Yanagiba 270㎜ Superlative Blacksmith in Sakai, 1970’s[NEW]
$502.50sold outRead more -
Shigefusa Iizuka Deba Hocho 165㎜
$737.00sold outRead more -
Wabocyo “Honjyouji” Yanagiba 270㎜ Aogami
$422.10sold outRead more -
(Left Handed) Vintage Yanagiba330㎜
$395.30sold outRead more -
Vintage Wabocho Hamokiri 300㎜ Aogami Blacksmith in Sakai 1970’s[NEW]
$804.00Add to cart -
Munemasa Deba 180㎜・Double bevel (30years ago・Limited)
$301.50sold outRead more -
Munemasa Vintage Deba 150㎜・Doubele bevel (30years ago. Limited)
$268.00sold outRead more -
Munemasa Yanagiba Double bevel 240㎜
$268.00sold outRead more -
Vintage Wabocho Fuguhiki 240㎜ Blacksmith in Sakai, 1970’s[NEW]
$254.60sold outRead more