Japanese Cutlery Pro Store | Tamahagane, Kitchen knife, Sword, etc
Japanese Cutlery Pro Store | Tamahagane, Kitchen knife, Sword, etc

Unfinished work in 1982


1 in stock


Blade: Shigefusa Iizuka
Saya & handle: liveing nationl treasure Isao Onishi Design Supervision
Collaboration unfinished work!
Master craftman and Living national treasure! in 1982
Full Length:about 280 mm
Blade Length:about 180 mm
Thickness:about 8.3 mm
Weight: 250 g
Blacksmith:Shigefusa Iizuka
Cladded Steel:Shigefusa secret Tanji
Steel:Shigefusa secret soft iron
Handle:special ho wood
Sheath:special ho wood
Others:Saya & handle: kiveing nationl treasure Isao Onishi Design Supervision

Shigefusa Iiduka

Born in 1939(showa 14)

Coming Soon...

At final step, This saya was supposed to coat with Urushi by Isao Onishi who is living national treasur of urushi lacquer craft.

But, he was died before that. That's the reason why we named this item ‘unfinshed work.